公司为国内外数百家电厂配置隔音设备现部分业绩列表如下: | |||||
国外部份 Products for the Domestic Companies | |||||
序号 SN |
电厂名称 name of power plant |
设 备 equipment |
型 号 type |
台(套)份 units |
定货号 Part No. |
1 | 白俄罗斯明斯克belarus minsk | 燃汽轮发电机组隔声罩gas turbine generator unit insulation enclosure | 270mw | 1 | g270an15 |
2 | 巴基斯坦 saif 电站pakistan saif power station | 燃汽轮发电机组隔声罩gas turbine generator unit insulation enclosure | 220mw | 1 | cmec project |
3 | 印尼南望电厂indonesia rembang | 汽轮发电机组隔声罩steam turbine generator unit insulation enclosure | 300mw | 2 | d300nn71/72 |
4 | 印尼海水淡化工程indonesia seawater desalting project | 4500t/d系统设备4500t/d system euipment | 330mw | 2 | 英德拉玛尤项目indonesia indramayu project |
5 | 印尼海水淡化工程indonesia seawater desalting project | 3000t/d系统设备3000t/d system euipment | 315mw | 4 | 龙湾、巴齐丹项目pacitan、lontar project |
6 | 印尼巴齐丹电站indonesia pacitan power station | 汽轮发电机组隔声罩steam turbine generator unit insulation enclosure | 300mw | 1 | d300nn74 |
7 | 印尼龙湾电站indonesia banten | 汽轮发电机组隔声罩steam turbine generator unit insulation enclosure | 300mw | 2 | d300nn75/80 |
8 | 印度apl三期india apl project | 给水泵小机隔声罩feed pump sound insulation enclosure | 660mw | 4 | b2320dn33/n36 |
9 | 印度电厂项目india power plant | 给水泵小机隔声罩feed pump sound insulation enclosure | 60mw | 4 | d60fn1-4 |
10 | 印度apl四期india apl project | 给水泵小机隔声罩feed pump sound insulation enclosure | 660mw | 6 | b2320dn37-n42 |
11 | 印度凯莱电厂kalisindh | 给水泵小机隔声罩feed pump sound insulation enclosure | 660mw | 4 | b2320cn12-15 |
12 | 印度提隆达热电厂 india tiroda l thermal power plant | 给水泵小机隔声罩feed pump sound insulation enclosure | 660mw | 10 | b2320dn107-112 b2320dn127-130 |
13 | 印度电厂india power plant | 工业汽轮机隔声罩industrial steam turbine insulation enclosure | 60mw | 1 | d60kn1 |
14 | 印度kawai电厂 india kawai power plant | 给水泵小机隔声罩feed pump sound insulation enclosure | 660mw | 4 | b2320dn131-134 |
15 | 沙特阿拉伯电厂saudi arabia power plant | 给水泵小机隔声罩feed pump sound insulation enclosure | 660mw | 4 | b2620cn1-4 |
16 | 博茨瓦纳电厂 botswana power corporation | 发电机隔声罩generator insulation enclosure | 150mw | 4 | 中国电力工程有限公司china national electric engineering co.,ltd |
17 | 阿曼项目the oman project | 发电机隔声罩generator insulation enclosure | 300mw | 1 | 哈尔滨电机厂harbin motor factory |
18 | 菲律宾calaca | 发电机隔声罩generator insulation enclosure | 150mw | 2 | 哈尔滨电机厂harbin motor factory |
19 | 菲律宾普丁巴图philippines f martin batu | 发电机隔声罩generator insulation enclosure | 135mw | 1 | 哈尔滨电机厂harbin motor factory |
20 | 委内瑞拉项目venezuela project | 发电机隔声罩generator insulation enclosure | 135mw | 2 | 哈尔滨电机厂harbin motor factory |
21 | 印尼巴淡燃煤电厂 india btam power plant | 集装油箱 tank container | 80mw | 2 | d65an1/2 |
22 | 沙特项目 rabigh project | 套装油管路 packaged oil pipelin | 660mw | 4 | b2620cn1-4 |
23 | 印度aarti电厂india aarti power plant | 汽轮发电机组化妆板steam turbine generator unit makeup board | 50mw | 1 | d50kn1 |
24 | 印度kawai电厂 indiakawai power plant | 给水泵小机隔音罩壳feed pump sound insulation enclosure | 660mw | 4 | kawai 1#2# b2320dn131-134 |